Simple: (No charge)
- Obtain mortgage lending
- Implementation of an insurance policy
- Email or phone based annual review
- Access to preferred providers, such as lawyers etc
- Advocate on your behalf for all insurance claims
Basic: ($49/month)
- Obtain mortgage lending
- Implementation of an insurance policy
- Annual interest rate negotiation & loan structure advice
- Priority access to preferred providers, such as lawyers etc
- Zoom annual review meeting
- Kiwisaver advice
- Advocate on your behalf for all insurance claims
Standard: ($99/month)
- Obtain mortgage lending
- Implementation of an insurance policy
- Annual interest rate negotiation
- Priority access to preferred providers, such as lawyers etc
- Zoom annual review meeting
- Kiwisaver advice
- Advocate on your behalf for all insurance claims
- Personalised mortgage plan
- Personalised financial plan
- 2 face to face/zoom meetings annually
- Property investment advice
- Involved in the Pihi #givingback initiative
Unlimited: ($149/month)
- Obtain mortgage lending
- Implementation of an insurance policy
- Annual interest rate negotiation
- Priority access to preferred providers, such as lawyers etc
- Zoom annual review meeting
- Kiwisaver advice
- Advocate on your behalf for all insurance claims
- Personalised mortgage plan
- Personalised financial plan
- Unlimited face to face/zoom meetings annually
- Property investment advice
- Involved in the Pihi #givingback initiative
- Managed funds investment advice